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Fancy a fancy coffin? Paa Joe's your man..!

Wells Funeral Services

Want to be buried in a giant wooden coffin that looks like an aeroplane? Or how about a Coke bottle?

Coffin artist Paa Joe is the man who can make that happen. He crafts fantasy wood "proverb coffins" (known as as abebuu adekai in his home country of Ghana) out of his workshop. He's considered the grandfather of the fantasy coffin trade and his work is exhibited in museums worldwide. But hard times fell on his business.

Now a wonderful documentary has been made that tells the story of how Paa Joe and his son turned the business’s failing fortunes around. Paa Joe & The Lion is the 2017 film that tells the story of how he and his son are rebuilding the family legacy together. It's now available to stream on Amazon. Have a look at the trailer at the bottom of this post; it's really inspiring!

And to inspire you further, here are some of Paa Joe’s creations. What would your dream coffin be?!