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Wells Funeral Services - Funeral Directors in Wells, Somerset

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Did you know you can attend your own ‘funeral do’ ?

Wells Funeral Services

At the get-together after a funeral ceremony, you often hear people say things like “he would’ve loved this” or “she would’ve been so happy that you were here”. In some ways, it can seem a real shame that the person whose life is being celebrated isn’t there to enjoy seeing their friends and family gathered together, hearing all the fond words and little stories that people remember about them when they’re gone.

I’m sure that’s one of the many reasons why ‘living funerals’, or ‘pre-funerals’ as they’re also known, are becoming more commonplace – and I for one think that’s a good thing.

It’s true that attending your own ‘funeral do’ is probably not for everyone, but particularly for those who have a terminal illness or whose health is declining, it can be a real blessing in many ways. It gives them a chance to gather their friends and families together, sharing stories and saying their farewells while they’re still in reasonable health.

A living funeral bypasses the ceremony (obviously!) and goes straight to the funeral gathering, where people come together to celebrate the life of someone they know and love. The difference is that the person in question is there to enjoy the event too, saying a few words if they want to and creating more special memories with their loved ones while they still can.

As a funeral director, my ethos is very much that we don’t just do funerals, we celebrate life, so having a good old party with the person you’re there to celebrate seems like a perfectly good idea to me!

What’s more, people are becoming much more budget conscious when it comes to funerals, and having a gathering to celebrate someone’s life before they die can often help those left behind feel liberated to choose something more modest when the time does come. In some cases, they may feel they’ve had a gathering and life celebration already so a simple funeral package without a service might become a more suitable option.

The important thing to bear in mind is, there are no rules! You can have whatever you want – whether that’s attending your own funeral do, having a bubble machine at your funeral service or being buried with a bunch of bananas from the local market.

Each and every funeral is unique and personal. The trick is to find the right people to deliver it exactly how you want it done, with the utmost care and attention.

If you’re planning your own, that means thinking about what you want in advance – what type of funeral service, what style of celebration, what sort of music and flowers?

As humans, we often shy away from thinking about death until it’s on our doorstep, but it’s well worth participating in the conversation while you’re still here – even if you don’t want to participate in the party! 

We offer a comprehensive range of funeral services and funeral packages to suit all requirements and budgets. Please contact us to find out more or have a look at our testimonials to see what other people say about us.