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Wells Funeral Services - Funeral Directors in Wells, Somerset

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Restrictions on Funerals but not Snooker?!

Wells Funeral Services

Snooker Funeral.jpg

We have to ask why a snooker tournament is being played in front of fans when we are told restrictions on funerals will remain in place until at least June.

The World Championships have started in Sheffield at the Crucible Theatre at 33% capacity but the final in May is set to be played in front of a capacity crowd. 

For funerals, a maximum of 30 people are allowed to attend in Englandand the government's plan to further ease restrictions said the limit will be in place until at least 21 June. 

One funeral director has said, "If you can go to the Crucible and have people indoors, then funerals, to me, to families, are far more important and I do not really understand why the restriction is going to be in place until June.”

We couldn’t agree more.