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Wells Funeral Services - Funeral Directors in Wells, Somerset

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What is the role of a funeral director?

Oliver Coningham

The role as a funeral director is to ensure that the client's journey from the start of the process to the delivery of a funeral/celebration of life is as painless as possible.

Part of this process is ensuring that the client is kept fully involved and informed every step of the way. However, it's important that the client should only be involved in the parts that only a family member can do and that is the registration or registering the death.

Working alongside the family members, part of the role of a funeral director will be to determine the location of the funeral service, the date and time of the service and understanding whether your loved one should be cremated or buried.

As a funeral director I talk to the next of kin from the first call to the delivery of the funeral/celebration of life. That's what makes Wells Funeral Services us special. As we are an independent, non-fragmented funeral directors, this insures that continuity is present all the way to the delivery of someone’s ashes after a cremation.