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36 Chamberlain Street
Wells, England, BA5 2PJ
United Kingdom


Wells Funeral Services - Funeral Directors in Wells, Somerset

Latest News

How the pandemic has changed the way we say goodbye forever

Oliver Coningham

There’s good news for families during difficult times with basic funerals now costing less than £4,000!

The recent mandate for funeral directors to display prices and an increase in budget cremations have led to a decrease in funeral costs.

According to the annual SunLife survey, the price of a basic funeral, including cremation or burial, a funeral director, doctor and minister or celebrant, has dropped by 2.5% last year.

We are committed to fair and transparent pricing, and are proud to be the first funeral director in Wells to be accredited for our pricing fairness and transparency by the Fair Funerals Pledge.

You can see our up to date prices on our Pricing page.